Estari DC15 takes after Nintendo DS

Estari DC15 takes after Nintendo DS
Is the laptop going the way of the Nintendo DS? Those who feel that 17" of viewing real estate are not enough to handle all the spreadsheets and work assignments can always settle for the briefcase-inspired Estari DC15 laptop. Although each touch screen is only 15" when measured diagonally across, the combined viewing area is definitely much more than a single 17" display. The DC15 is no slouch when it comes to performance with an Intel Core Duo 1.83GHz processor running the show, along with 2GB RAM, WiFi and USB connectivity, and a 100GB hard drive. Input methods include a styles, typing on the virtual keyboard, or plugging in an actual keyboard. Unfortunately, the DC15 weighs heavier than the average briefcase at 5.9kg, making this unsuitable for traveling. The Estari DC15 retails for $4,350.